School Closure

School Information Line
In case of bad weather or emergency closures, please call the school information line to find out up to date details of school closure.

Tel: 0870 054 4999 then 021530.

Below is a list of recommended websites that the children can use in the event of a school closure. These websites may be useful to reinforce learning that has been taught in the classroom. There is also a list of suggested activities to do with your family if the school has to close for any reason.


Spelling games

Literacy – interactive story (upper stages)

Maths games

Maths and language games/resources – BBC Bitesize

Maths and language games

Various learning games

Research weather

School radio


● Keep a diary (pictorial or written) of the activities you get up to.

● Write an imaginative story linked to your class topic/something you have learned in class.

● Take part in preparing a meal – think about using money to buy the ingredients, measuring, fractions for portions.

● Take time to enjoy reading a book of your choice – perhaps visit the library if you can, or read to someone else.

● Find a word for each letter of the alphabet e.g. around your home, linked to Christmas, Winter or a subject you are interested in.

Please remember that these websites and activities are only suggestions/ starting points. Feel free to use your imagination and creativity to adapt these or develop your own. We look forward to hearing all about your learning.